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A Multicultural Event: Celebrating Diversity

The World Mission Society Church of God is known for holding multicultural events to showcase the heritage and culture of its members. The event on Sunday, June 10 was an especially cultural celebration held by the Church of God in Maryland. The dining room was beautifully decorated with an abundance of souvenirs from all over the world. The church members themselves personally contributed many of the souvenirs as representations of their respective countries. Decorations from Africa, South America, and Asia were set as the centerpieces at each table. Additionally, pleasant international music played all throughout the course of the event while attendees enjoyed delightful conversations with one another.

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For the guests who visited the church for the first time, the event was a breath of fresh air. For many of them, it was a completely new experience to see such diversity in one place. Furthermore, throughout the event they enjoyed exquisite cuisine from all over the world. The entrees included Mexican enchiladas, Korean japchae, Spanish flan, and more. At the end of the event, guests were also treated to an educational Bible presentation. The presentation illuminated truths in the Bible, explaining the meanings behind several prophecies.

The World Mission Society Church of God is an international church with more than 7,000 locations around the world. So it is no wonder that the members are of such diverse backgrounds. The Church of God in Maryland hosts a variety of activities throughout the year in which all members of the community are welcome to partake in. Past events include state park cleanups, environmental protection campaigns, soup socials, summer barbecues, and even appreciation events.

View the Church of God’s activities page to see more of the past events. To inquire about participating in a future activity, please send a message through the contact us page.

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