coming on the clouds

Christ Ahnsahnghong

Jesus Coming on the Clouds

Jesus Coming on the Clouds at His Second Coming

In the Bible, we can read about Jesus Christ’s second coming on the clouds. However, it’s important to note that His second coming on the clouds is different than Judgment Day.

While Jesus was on this earth, He said that people in the last days would not have faith (Lk 18:8). Yet, faith is necessary for salvation. So, Christ promised He would come a second time to bring salvation by restoring faith (Heb 9:28). And His second coming is characterized by clouds.

“‘At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.’”

Luke 21:27–28

After Jesus comes on a cloud, those who have received Him are now able to lift up their heads because their “redemption is drawing near,” which is set to take place before the Last Judgment. These people have confidence in their salvation because they’ve learned true faith from Second Coming Jesus.

“Coming in a cloud” is a metaphor for coming in the flesh since the Bible compares human beings to clouds (Jude 1:12, Pr 25:14). And the place to meet Christ who comes a second time in the flesh is Zion, where He will teach us God’s laws and commands so we can enter the kingdom of heaven (Mic 4:1–2).

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