Christ Ahnsahnghong in the Bible

Q: Why does Ahnsahnghong come from Korea?

A: The Bible that the second coming Christ will appear in human form from the East, a belief supported by the connection between His appearance and the delivery of salvation.

“... and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation.”

This emphasizes the necessity of Christ’s second coming to this earth. Without His return, there is no salvation. Therefore, wherever the work of salvation begins, indicates the place of his appearance.

In Revelation 7:2–3, an angel with the seal of the living God comes from the East. This seal, which protects individuals from harm and disasters, symbolizes God’s salvation. The angel carrying the seal is identified as the Second Coming Christ, and He comes from the East.

According to Jesus’ teachings, His body and blood serve as the seal, promised through the New Covenant Passover (Jn 6:27, 53–56). Following its abolition in A.D. 325, the New Covenant Passover was reinstated in the East, specifically in South Korea, by Christ Ahnsahnghong.

Through the New Covenant Passover which is the seal of God, Christ Ahnsahnghong is revealed as the Second Coming Jesus who came from the East, in South Korea.

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Christ Ahnsahnghong in the Bible

Q: Why does Ahnsahnghong come from Korea?
A: The Bible indicates that the second coming Christ will appear in human form from the East, a belief supported by the connection between His appearance and the delivery of salvation.

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