What is the Trinity?
Q: What is the Trinity? A: The Trinity means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the same God, despite
Q: What is the Trinity? A: The Trinity means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the same God, despite
Q: Is there an afterlife? A: The Bible, supported by fulfilled prophecies, asserts a clear understanding of our soul and the afterlife
Q: What is the relationship between God the Father and God the Mother? A: The Bible describes our relationship with God like a family, which both our spiritual Father and Mother give eternal life to the children.
Q: The Sabbath and the Passover were abolished after the cross. Why do we still need to keep them? A: When people think of the law, they think it’s something that only applies to the Old Testament. The Bible explains that as Christians we should keep the New Covenant, the law of Christ.
Q: Is God the Mother in the book of Revelation?
A: Yes, God the Mother is testified in the Bible from the beginning (Genesis) to the end (Revelation). Let’s see the verses in Revelation that clearly testify about Her.
Q: Why does Ahnsahnghong come from Korea?
A: The Bible indicates that the second coming Christ will appear in human form from the East, a belief supported by the connection between His appearance and the delivery of salvation.
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